Why is it hard for tech and digital innovation companies to brake new ground in the bioprocess market? Proprietary data standards, long product cycles, legacy systems, high investment costs and an intellectual property mine field are just a few of the obstacles for the startups, small and medium enterprises and industry.
Testa Center is committed to lowering these barriers. We work together with innovative actors within the field of bio-process, including the digital and tech sectors. At Testa Center we see the obstacles facing these actors first hand. Bio-process companies often choose the established ways-of-working to lower the project risk as much as possible. Taking in a new and innovative product or service into a bioprocess workflow is considered risky. It’s a chicken-and-egg problem. Established ways-of-working is secure, but innovative products and processes are needed to ensure longevity as a bio-process actor.
Testa Challenge removes barriers for digital and tech innovation
How can we solve this? We believe Testa Challenge is one way to do it. We got the idea for the Testa Challenge in a cross-functional workshop with tech and bio innovation experts. Inspired by concepts like Open Innovation, Hackathons, Co-working/Co-creation and Investor-pitching, we decided to mimic the innovation process in tech and digital industries and put it into a bioprocess context. Testa Challenge is now our event-concept that mixes the best parts of all the innovation concepts above. To keep posted on the outcome of Testa Center, please re-visit our website and follow us in our social media. We will of course share some of our learnings from this innovative approach to solve a problem.

What is happening now? Preparations are now taking place for the first ever Testa Challenge. Participants will arrive to attend the challenge at Testa Center on 19 October 2020. Some participants attend the challenge in person, others online.
The Testa Challenge is a way for Testa Center to facilitate faster verification of innovations, acceleration of industrialization and to secure excellence at the intersection of digital solutions, technology improvements and bioprocess.
Thank you to all participants, financiers and supporters. Together we are making something really exiting!
Make sure to keep track of what is happening at testachallenge.com