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Day 3: We will make it happen!

They call Wednesday a hump day for a reason. After day one and day two pushing the teams to their limits, the learning curve was ...
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Day 2: Lights, Camera and Action – Upstream in a bioreactor with cameras, sample analytics, in-bag sensors, parallel shake flask reactors and in-line mass spectrometry

Day two was when many of the participant’s experiments were going live; Video analysis detection, live process-data streaming from Sweden to the US, in-bag sensors ...
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Day 1: Don’t try this at home, or in GMP (try it at the Testa Challenge!)

Like most systematic approaches, a failing cog, loose wiring or a single broken piece can cause the whole process to come to a halt. The ...
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The bioprocess of the Testa Challenge

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Solving the chicken-and-egg problem with technology in bioprocess

Why is it hard for tech and digital innovation companies to brake new ground in the bioprocess market? Proprietary data standards, long product cycles, legacy ...
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Testa Center och Uppsala universitet utvecklar för efterfrågad spetskompetens

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