We are very happy to announce the participants of the Testa Challenge 2022: AnalysisMode, ArgusEye AB, Nyctea Technologies, Scitara Corporation, and Timegate Instruments.

We are happy to announce these five companies, selected by an external advisory board. The competition to join this year’s Testa Challenge 2022 was keen with many strong applicants from around the world.
The countdown to the Testa Challenge weeks in march has now begun and we look forward to welcoming the selected companies to Testa Center.
// The Testa Challenge team
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Testa Challenge 2022
That’s a wrap! We have officially concluded Testa Challenge 2022. Now we have just had the report out session, and we are amazed at how much progress the participating companies; Analysis Mode, ArgusEye, Nuctea Technologies, Scitara, and Timegate Instruments made during their three weeks at Testa Center. We wish you all good luck in the future and hope to see you soon again! During Testa…
The participants in the Testa Challenge 2022 are
We are very happy to announce the participants of the Testa Challenge 2022: AnalysisMode, ArgusEye AB, Nyctea Technologies, Scitara Corporation, and Timegate Instruments. We are happy to announce these five companies, selected by an external advisory board. The competition to join this year’s Testa Challenge 2022 was keen with many strong applicants from around the world. The…
Apply for the Testa Challenge before the 17th of January
Do you wish to enter a biomanufacturing facility to test your product or service? You are invited to test and verify your technology for bioprocess in the Testa Center. Participate to learn how your technology fits it into the manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals and the related bioprocess! “This is a concept inspired from hackathons and open innovation concepts but applied in…