We are very proud to announce that Lotta Ljungqvist, CEO of the Testa Center at Cytiva received the Biotech Builders’ Award for 2019.
According to Biotech Builders, the winner of the prestigious award is a person who embodies the entrepreneurial fundamentals, laying the way for the future of the Swedish Life Science industry and tackles challenges towards reaching the goal.
”Honored to receive the Biotech Builders award 2019. Grateful that my career in Life Science has brought many opportunities to support growth of the industry e.g. with Testa Center and to become a voice of the Life Science community. Let’s continue to Build Biotech together!” – Lotta Ljungqvist
Lotta Ljungqvist brings Swedish Life Science forward
”As all of you already probably know, the BB prize 2019 should go to an important voice within the Swedish Life Science sector. Previous winners of the award have been Torbjørn Bjerke, Elisabeth Lindner, Hans Wigzell & Conny Bogentoft, Johan Malmqvist, Thomas Eldered, Gunilla Lundmark, Saeid Esmaeilzadeh & Ashkan Pouya, Mathias Uhlén, Carl Borrebaeck and last year Lena Söderström received the prestigious award”, state the Magnus Gustavsson from Biotech Builders.
According to the representatives from Biotech Builders, a networking organization for entrepreneurs and business professionals in the Life Science industry, ”This year’s winner has for many years, and with a collaborative spirit, worked with precision and knowledge on several boards and in various leadership positions. The winner has contributed with deep insights in several forums, including: company PR, political landscape, regulation, and conditions for commercial and manufacturing settings within the Swedish life science industry. She is highly active and engaged in platforms organized to bring Swedish Life Science forward, including Vinnova and SwedenBio. She inspires individuals as well as whole societies within Swedish Life Science and has over the years grown to become an important driving force for the Swedish industry.
We congratulate Lotta Ljungqvist for the award BioTech Builders Award of 2019!” – Magnus Gustavsson, BioTech Builders, the 27th of August 2019.

The BioTech Builders Award

BioTech Builders describes the award as one for individual performance and leadership in the Swedish Life Science industry.
”Each year one exceptional entrepreneur receives the BiotechBuilders award. The award is a token of appreciation and an inspiration to individual driving forces within the industry. The winner of the BiotechBuilders Award is a person who embodies the entrepreneurial fundamentals, laying way for the future of the Swedish Life Science industry and tackles challenges towards reaching the goal. The winner of the BiotechBuilders Award is announced and presented at the annual BiotechBuilders event.”